Tmux - basic command and cheatsheet

Tmux - basic command and cheatsheet

  linux    —  2021, Mar 15    

What is Tmux?

$ whatis tmux
tmux (1)             - terminal multiplexer

Installing Tmux

Mac OSX:

$ brew install tmux


$ sudo apt-get install tmux

Centos or Amazon Linux

$ sudo yum install tmux

Tmux Cheat Sheet

Special note: <prefix> in Tmux will be CTRL + B


Create new session
  • Without name
  • With name
tmux new -s SESSION_NAME
Attach a channel
tmux attach #
Attach a session to existed Tmux
tmux attach -t SESSION_NAME
List Tmux session
tmux ls
Exit Tmux


Ctrl + D
Delete a session
tmux kill-session -t session_name

Windows management

  • New windows: <prefix> + c
  • List windows: <prefix> + w
  • Next windows: <prefix> + n
  • Previous windows: <prefix> + p
  • Find windows: <prefix> + f
  • Create, edit a windows name: <prefix> + ,
  • Close windows: <prefix> + &
  • Detach a session: <prefix> + d

Panes management

  • Separate panes vertically: <prefix> + %
  • Separate panes horizontally: <prefix> + "
  • Show panes number: <prefix> + q
  • Switch panes: <prefix> + arrow key or <prefix> + o
  • Delete panes: <prefix> + x

Customize Tmux

In case you don’t want to use default setting. You can customize it.

You can create file named $HOME/.tmux.conf and write any you want.

For example, you want to change Ctrl + c to Ctrl + c. You can add below content into Tmux config file.

unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-a

Apply new change:

tmux source-file .tmux.conf
